Deal of the Day Rules & Regs
Congratulations bargain hunter, you’ve uncovered the best deals
anywhere on promotional products!
Every single day we’re negotiating better prices and finding better bargains for
you. However, we do run into ‘special deals’ – like special factory offers, items
with too much inventory, closeout items with limited quantity or just the occasional
fun deal and this site is where you’ll find them.
Just a couple quick rules about the deals:
Your order will receive the full attention of our customer service team and professional
art team. However, due to the nature of these deals we can’t guarantee specific
in-hand dates for deal-of-the-day orders.
All deal-of-the-day orders will be shipping via ground carrier and must be shipped to a US business address.
Sorry, as much as we'd like to, coupons or other offers can't be applied to orders on our deal of the day site - the deals are just that good!